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Alexander McQueen

Leather high-heeled shoes

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Alexander McQueen

Leather high-heeled shoes



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  • Delivery within 3-6 business days
  • Free delivery above $150

We are delighted to present the exquisite LEATHER HIGH-HEELED SHOESfrom the legendary designer ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, embodying thequintessence of luxury and sophisticated style. Crafted with thehighest quality leather, these silver flats dazzle with a shimmeringsurface, achieved through a unique metallic or varnished finish. Theirdesign features a flat sole with minimal elevation and a slight heel,perfectly blending comfort with a subtle touch of elegance.A detail in the form of a bow placed on the rounded front of the shoegives this model its distinctive character, accentuating its delicacyand femininity. The interior side of the shoe, adorned with theALEXANDER MCQUEEN logo, attests to its authenticity and luxuriousquality, making these shoes not just an accessory to an outfit butalso a coveted item for fashion connoisseurs.WHY SHOULD YOU PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT? * Exceptional quality of materials: exclusively leather in theouter, inner layers, and on the sole. * Versatility: thanks to their classic design and neutral, silvercolor, these shoes perfectly complement both elegant and casualstyles. * Exclusivity: the designer`s logo on the insole emphasizes theluxurious character of the shoes, making them a unique addition to anywardrobe. * Subtle elegance: the decorative bow adds character to the shoeswhile maintaining their delicacy and femininity. Sole height: 0,5cmHeel height: 2cm
Designer color:GrayDesigner ID:797579 WIG51-8100