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Leather belt

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Leather belt



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  • Free delivery above $150

We are delighted to present to you a LEATHER BELT from the esteemeddesigner VERSACE, embodying the quintessence of luxury and elegance.This exclusive accessory, crafted from the highest quality leather,impresses with its softness and flexibility, indicative of thematerial`s exceptional quality. The belt`s creamy hue adds a touch ofuniversality, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into any ensemble.The heart of this unique design pulsates in its LION HEAD-SHAPEDBUCKLE, a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Forged from metal in a goldenhue, with refined details, this buckle is not just a functionalelement but also a decorative accent, accentuating the belt`sdistinctive character. Its simple design, enriched only by thisimpressive feature, along with the option to adjust the length througha series of holes, makes it a practical yet sophisticated wardrobeelement.WHY SHOULD YOU PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT? * Constructed from THE HIGHEST QUALITY LEATHER, ensuring durabilityand comfort in use. * A unique LION HEAD-SHAPED BUCKLE, reflecting the prestige of theVersace brand. * A versatile, creamy color, allowing for easy matching with avariety of styles. * Practicality due to the adjustable length, ensuring a perfect fit. * An elegant accessory that will elevate the prestige of any outfit. Width: 4cm
Designer color:BeigeDesigner ID:DCU4140 DVTP1-1KD4V