We offer you the FAIRY COSTUME, a creation by the renowned Danish brand KONGES SLØJD. This enchanting set, in a delicate light pink color scheme, consists of a pair of butterfly-shaped wings and a wand, transporting any child into a magical world of imagination. The wings, adorned with glittery patterns in the shape of stars and bows, feature a central, shiny pink star from which subtle ribbons extend. The wand, star-shaped and also covered in glitter, is decorated with ribbons of varied textures and colors. Made from the highest quality materials, including polyester and PET, the costume is both lightweight and durable. The costume is perfect for dress-up play, spreading an aura of magic and joy. Please note: the product contains small parts and is intended for children over 3 years old. WHY IS THIS PRODUCT WORTH BUYING? * Unique design from the brand Konges Sløjd, known for attention to detail. * Made from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and safety. * Charming appearance that will delight any child. * Perfect for creative play and fostering imagination.
Designer color:PinkDesigner ID:KS101969 0-PEONY