Discover the enchanting "CALLA" CHOKER from the exclusive jewelrycollection, created by the renowned brand CULT GAIA. Inspired by theshape of the calla lily, this unique necklace stands out with its opendesign, resembling a natural stem with a white flower at the end.The choker is made from a subtle combination of rubber and brass,perfectly imitating the natural beauty of the flower, making it apiece of jewelry art. The dominant colors, green and white, highlightits minimalist yet sophisticated style, ideal for elegant occasions.WHY SHOULD YOU BUY THIS PRODUCT? * Unique design inspired by nature. * Realistic representation of the calla lily. * Elegance and subtlety in one. * Crafted by the renowned brand Cult Gaia. * The perfect accessory for special occasions.
Designer color:GreenDesigner ID:CK1575PU2668 0-WHT